Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Leaver's Dinner.

My dad 

My mum 

two of my best friends

The beginning of the end. Last night was my high school leavers dinner. An emotional event which is bitter sweet. Knowing that i am leaving high school forever is a scary and emotional feeling. A mixture of excitement combined with the sadness knowing that the safety and security of school will be over. However i will be at university next year which is an exciting prospect. 
1 day left........ :( 

Imogen x

I'm wearing:

Karen Walker "hello there" dress
YSL ring
Wild Pair wedges
Marylin Saab cardigan 
Alannah Hill bracelet


  1. you looked so lovely! i love your shoes, they're rad.


  2. Loving your outfit, you look adorable! Found you on stumble upon and can't wait to read more! Also OBSESSED with your YSL ring, I want one in royal blue.



  3. Thank you so so so much you are too sweet! xx


I really appreciate all of your lovely comments.
Love Imogen x

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